All our map usage quotas are based on Map Loads. A Map Load is counted every time one of our maps is initialized on a webpage or in a web app. Each map load includes unlimited map tiles so there is no further quota usage if the map is panned or zoomed, it all counts as a single Map Load unless the page is refreshed or reloaded.
We'll notify you by email and your maps will stop working immediately. To re-enable your maps, you'll either need to wait until the start of the next month in your account cycle or if you want to re-enable them immediately, you'll need to start a paid subscription. If you start a paid subscription, your maps will be re-enabled immediately.
We'll notify you by email and we'll give you 30 days grace period to either upgrade to a higher plan or to manage your map usage so that you don't exceed the plan quota in your next billing cycle. We'll always try to discuss the quota overage issue with you first and to reach a resolution to avoid causing an outage to your map service.
For Paid plans only, any unused map loads at the end of each billing period will automatically roll over to your next billing period up to a maximum of of your monthly map load quota. For example, you are on our Essential plan which offers 250,000 map loads each month. At the end of month 1, you have 100,000 map loads left. So, your new quota for month 2 will be 350,000 map loads. If you only use 50,000 map loads in month 2, you will have 300,000 map loads left. Only a maximum of 250,000 map loads can be rolled over so in month 3, you will have 500,000 map loads.
Yes, you can add a list of domain referrers to each API key to limit which websites are able to use your API key.
We support Mapbox GL JS, OpenLayers with vector tiles and Leaflet GL
No, we only offer Vector tiles at this time.
Yes, you can use our maps in an iOS or Android App.
Absolutely not - you'll only need to enter payment details if you want to start a paid subscription.
You can cancel at any time without notice - even mid-month in which case we'll refund your monthly payment on a pro-rated basis.
Of course, you can switch between plans without notice. The difference in plan costs will be calculated on a pro-rated basis depending on what date in the month you switch. You can also switch from a monthly to an annual plan and vice-versa if you wish.
Yes, we support annual payments and there is a discount of 10% for subscribing to an annual plan.